Micron led chip stocks lower as Amazon, Facebook and Alphabet went lower also. They dropped lower than yesterday, but appeared to have bounced off the bottom and I would expect a strong move up by next week. Home Depot and Boeing moved up as they seem to catch all of the money that was leaving tech. In the afternoon it appeared that money returned to tech as the big Dow Jones stocks sold off a little in the afternoon.
There were some big moves down that I expect to see a reversal in the next week.
There were some big moves down that I expect to see a reversal in the next week.
- Alphabet (GOOGL) was 1269 last Thursday and today's low was 1263
- Amazon was 2050 2 days ago and hit 1945 today.
- Apple was at almost at 230 and was under 223 today.
- Facebook was 177 last Thursday and today 160.
- Micron was over 51 last Thursday and today was 44.
Micron appears to be the lowest cost of all of them with a Price to Earnings ratio under 5. Apple has proved to have a strong following since Warren Buffet investing in them so I don't know that it will drop further. These could go lower with more tariff talk over the next few days, but lately we have seen moves up despite tariff talks. If there were going to be a drop due to tariffs I don't believe that we would see as much upward movement in Boeing and Home Depot.
Alphabet is what I like to trade options due to the great movement. I found today's chart was similar to yesterday's, but looked to be the opposite from last Thursday. It appears to be a sign that tech is reversing as Netflix got an upgrade before the market opened. Nonetheless GOOGL moved sharply down from open and bounced off 1163, then moved up and quickly dropped to 1165 where it gained footing and moved above 1183.
On Friday I would expect to see a small movement down followed by strong upward movement for Friday. It could move down on Monday ,but I would expect to see large upward movement on Tuesday if we don't get it on Monday.
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